Be prepared, work hard, and hope for a little luck
Be prepared, work hard, and hope for a little luck Or so it goes when you are working on...
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Should I stay or should I exit? The startup question!
High tech startups are key drivers of growth in today’s information economy. As it is coming of age, the...
Launch event of Exit Accelerator
Launching Exit Accelerator with 2 panels, open discussions, and networking. Exit Accelerator is a grass-roots, not-for-profit association, with the...
Exit: The Case Against ‘Going Long’
by Ed Zimmerman Venture investors often tell founders to “go long,” but is that right? I’d argue that we’ve...
Exiting Startup Investments
Exiting Startup Investments for early stage investors. André Delafontaine, Partner at Go Beyond Investing.
Startup Exits: Top Three Things to Know
Grant Thornton’s Andy Morgan explains the three key things you need to know when preparing your startup for exit.
Small Exits Are Great
The “Small Exits Are Great” video features accredited angel investor Ian Sobieski discussing Executing towards an exit. Ian provides...
Venture Ideas: Swiss Start-up exits – Can we have more?
Venture Ideas @EPFL : Swiss Start-up exits : Can we have more? Lausanne, Switzerland · April 2014 · 23...
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