Exit: The Case Against ‘Going Long’

Exit: The Case Against ‘Going Long’

by Ed Zimmerman

Venture investors often tell founders to “go long,” but is that right?

I’d argue that we’ve lost sight of just how valuable “going short” can be to the health of the tech market and ecosystem. In fact, we need many founders and their boards to say yes to far earlier exit opportunities – not just partial exits. That’s right, I’m arguing in favor of founders selling their tech startups early! Again, not all founders need sell out, just a good, healthy number of them.

There’s no shame in a founder making money for herself or himself by selling earlier than is currently in vogue, especially when their team and investors are also doing well as a result.

Read the full article here: http://www.forbes.com/sites/edwardzimmerman/2015/09/24/whats-cooler-than-a-billion-startup-a-real-exit


David Butler
In the Zurich startup scene since 2009, managing events for entrepreneurs, connecting founders and investors, advising startups, with a passion to inspire the next big thing.


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